Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and web design must go hand in hand. Nowadays, many web designers are incorporating SEO in the web design process. However, many companies do not understand the importance of the role SEO plays in their clients website design, and ignore the value SEO can bring to the website while in the design stages.
It is easier to get traffic to a site if it has an SEO friendly web design. Many technologies exist make a site look "cool" but are not search engine friendly. If your website design uses these technologies, then you may either be blocking or slowing down a search engine such as Google when it tries to access the content on your website. If a search engine cannot quickly and easily access content on your website, you run the risk of lower search results. Incorporating SEO best practices in your web design goes well beyond just content and back linking. SEO web design must incorporate the right technology decisions, site architecture, navigation and more. This is where SEO can play a critical role in your website design.
The content of the page is also a very important aspect you need to consider for SEO. Prior to the commencement of the web design, the web designer should get an understanding of what the website is all about. Once the design company has determined this, they can make a list of keywords that users might search for to get information that is there on the website. Placing the right amount of keywords on the page will help the page rank better with the search engines. IT is important to add keywords to the content while the web page is being created, as it will save money and time in the long run. You will not have to go back to an already created web page and make changes to the content for SEO reasons.
One element of off-site optimization is about link development. The links from other websites pointing to your website play an important role in increasing the search engine ranking of the page. Consider that neither link building nor search friendly content will be of much use if your web design is not SEO friendly.
Many experts will tell you that SEO is as important to creating a website as the design itself. If the website is designed keeping SEO in mind, then the website has a greater chance to start ranking from the time of its existence and will attract visitors from search engines.
For more information on web design Melbourne, SEO, online marketing, get in touch with Whiteblack Digital on 1300 559 971 or